Monday, November 9, 2009

77: Hunters 2

Two hunters were hunting in the forest. They both got lost. Wandering around, they came to a run down cabin. Joyfully, they went to knock the door. an old baldy man answered the door. The old man agreed that they should spend the night in the cabin as the sun was already setting. However, the old man has the most beautiful daughter.

sternly he warned the hunters that they are not to have anything to do with the daughter during the night. If they do, the hunter would put a bullet in their heads. However, the 2 hunters broke the promise and slept with the daughters.

On the second day, the old man heard about it and was furious! He summoned the two hunters to execute them. However the 2 hunters pleaded with the old man not to kill them. The old man agrees and said: "ok, here is what i want you to do. Go into the forest and bring me 100 fruits. Then i will ask you to perform a task for me.Then i would let you go. However, you cant laugh. If u laugh i would shoot you"

The 2 quickly set out to find. The first hunter found 100 cherries. Happily he took the cherries back to the old man thinking the task was to eat it. However the old mas instead ask him to shove every cherry into his arse.

In pain, the first hunter shove every cherry into his arse. When he shove the 99th cherry, he laughed. So he was shot!

The man went to heaven. St Peter was waiting at the gate. Angrily he confronted the guy. "Why did u laugh?"

The Hunter replied:" I cant help it. I saw my friend bringing back 100 durians!"

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